

The day was first established by UNESCO in 1982 and it is held every 29 April, as this is the birth date of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), creator of modern ballet.

Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh’s Global Council Of Art & Culture and in association with UNESCO celebrates this Day every year , to revel in the universality of this art form, to cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and bring people together with a common language – Dance.

One  express his /her  through dance it's fun and one of the best forms of exercise. 

Dance is one of the most honest forms of expression for us to cherish: because when people dance, whether in a ballet performance, a hip-hop battle, an underground contemporary show or just in a discotheque, cutting loose, there are seldom any lies deployed, any masks worn. People reflect each other constantly, but when they dance, perhaps what they reflect most is that moment of honesty.

By moving like other people, by moving with other people and by watching them move, we can best feel their emotions, think their thoughts and connect to their energy. It is, perhaps, then that we can get to know and understand them clearly.
A dance performance is as a celebration of co-existence, a way to give and make space and time for each other. We tend to forget this, but the underlying beauty in a performance is that it is primarily the convergence of a mass of people, seated one next to the other, all sharing the same moment. There is nothing private about it; a performance is an extremely social experience. All of us assembled for this ritual, which is our bond with the performance, our bond with the same present.
And so the World Dance Day is an opportunity to ABSS’s Global Council Of Art & Culture who is working to spread and conserving our traditional dance culture which is diminishing , showcase different form of dance, giving the opportunity to spread the knowledge of dance including its purpose & role in one’s life.

ABSS feels that days like this will keep the Universal Dance forms along with traditional dance alive.